I’ve been settling in Mammoth for the past week and to say the least, I am overwhelmed with outdoors information! It’s like an information overload in the best possible way. Here I’ll list some of Mammoth’s Lakes that I found particularly stunning and accessible. Twin Lakes Elevation: 8,600 feet Activities: Walking, fishing, biking, camping, kayaking, …
Why I Moved to Mammoth Lakes, California
It Was Time For Change Hey! So I moved countries, cities, climates, cultures and communities this week. What a time for change. Living in Queenstown, New Zealand was a life-changing experience and such an unforgettable two years. It wasn’t my plan to move back to the United States and I actually wasn’t even considering it, …
3 Ways to Spend the Day in Santa Barbara, California
Here I’ll describe 3 of my favorite ways to spend the day in beautiful Santa Barbara, California. Much of that has to do with tacos, picnicking, and being by the beach. I was born and raised in SB. Since growing up here, I’ve returned to spend a few weeks with my family ever year. Morning …
Hiking Half Dome: A 10 Hour Night Hike
Half Dome is the ultimate Yosemite day hike – the one you can’t die without doing, and the one you’re most likely to die while doing. Yosemite Day Hikes Last week, Nick, Ben and I hiked Half Dome. Half Dome is a dome-shaped rock in Yosemite National Park- famous for its unique shape and its …
Yosemite National Park, Bass Lake and Sierra Nevada California
Photos from the mountains in and around Yosemite National Park. Taken on film and digital.
Goodbye San Francisco, Hello Vietnam
As I am hanging out in the Taiwan airport and awaiting my flight to Hanoi, I have compiled photos from the last couple days in SF and the journey to the other side of the world. Later today, I am free to explore Vietnam. These photos below are from our last Saturday night in SF …
Urban Farms in San Francisco
Since this weekend we’ve traveled all around the Bay Area. from our classroom in union square we’ve been to Richmond, Stockton and Berkeley among others to investigate the pros and cons of urban farming and alternative energy practices. in addition, we’ve talked to many community members who’ve voiced their dissent on water development projects and their …
3 Weeks in San Francisco
san francisco, california, usa january 28, 2017