Showing: 11 - 18 of 18 RESULTS
sotcher lake
California Hiking Mammoth Lakes Outdoors United States

Adventuring to Mammoth’s Stunning Lakes by Foot

I’ve been settling in Mammoth for the past week and to say the least, I am overwhelmed with outdoors information! It’s like an information overload in the best possible way. Here I’ll list some of Mammoth’s Lakes that I found particularly stunning and accessible. Twin Lakes Elevation: 8,600 feet Activities: Walking, fishing, biking, camping, kayaking, …

mammoth lakes california
California Mammoth Lakes Outdoors Photos United States

Why I Moved to Mammoth Lakes, California

It Was Time For Change Hey! So I moved countries, cities, climates, cultures and communities this week. What a time for change. Living in Queenstown, New Zealand was a life-changing experience and such an unforgettable two years. It wasn’t my plan to move back to the United States and I actually wasn’t even considering it, …