Showing: 21 - 23 of 23 RESULTS
3 weeks in new zealand
New Zealand Oceania Photos South Island Thoughts

My First Impression of Queenstown: Canyons, Lakes, Mountains

What Makes Queenstown, Queenstown? I knew that Queenstown would be special, but I didn’t understand why. When I actually got here, I confirmed this notion pretty quickly (i.e. right when I saw Lake Wakatipu). My experience, like anyone’s, is completely unique from those who have been here before me, so what combination of agreed-upon factors …

Global New Zealand Oceania Photos South Island Thoughts

Acclimating to Living in the Adventure Capital of the World

Thursday, 3:00 pm We arrived in Queenstown absolutely exhausted and nursing “travel hangovers,” as a girl from our hostel called them. Our heads were booming and we felt so demoralized after leaving Auckland. It felt somewhat hard to remain hopeful after our strange homestay experience, which happened exactly one week ago. So much can happen …