Since this weekend we’ve traveled all around the Bay Area. from our classroom in union square we’ve been to Richmond, Stockton and Berkeley among others to investigate the pros and cons of urban farming and alternative energy practices. in addition, we’ve talked to many community members who’ve voiced their dissent on water development projects and their implementation in the area.

A few nights ago my friends and I got groceries and made dinner from scratch in our hostel kitchen, which was a much needed break from the abundance of restaurant meals. we made a salad with baked vegetables to supplement a rotessire chicken. we ate the leftovers last night and plan to make omelets tonight. this idea of family dinner goes well with the theme of our program. not only do we get the chance to eat things that are fresh and see exactly where they come from, but we get to participate in the culture surrounding food. it was really nice to actually take some time out of our busy days and sit down together to share a meal.

These are some chickens from the urban community farm in Stockton today. Plots of land were allotted to members for a small fee and the farm board teaches free classes on seasonal crop production and soil nutrition practices. In addition to this, as we left the local elementary students showed up for their bi-weekly garden education program.

About Author

Hey, I'm Sarah! If I'm not gallivanting through the backcountry or flying down a powder run, you can find me creating content for my site on travel and the outdoors. I am a digital content creator based in Boulder, Colorado. Through my site, I hope to share my travel and outdoor adventures (and misadventures) so I can help others to pursue their travel dreams. 

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