Honored by Runner’s World as “America’s All-Time Best 10K,” Bolder Boulder is even cooler than you think it is… Also one of the largest Memorial Day tributes in the U.S., it’s events like these that bring the local community together, that do truly make me proud to be an American.

Running in one of the largest 10Ks in the world, wasn’t just a fun thing to say I did. It mobilized my entire community. Boulder came out in force.

I’ve never seen anything like what I saw at Bolder Boulder: from local tap dancers performing to families hosting slip ‘n slides along the race course to older couples handing out champagne… it was absolute beautiful chaos. In every direction there was a different snack or drink, a stranger smiling, and a crazy outfit. It was a truly special experience.

If you ever get the chance, I 100% recommend participating in Bolder Boulder. Whether it’s your first 10k run, a pleasant neighborhood stroll, a chance to sport an old Halloween costume, or you’re a running/racing regular. This event is definitely worth adding it your calendar! I know it’s on mine for next year!

About Author

Hey, I'm Sarah! If I'm not gallivanting through the backcountry or flying down a powder run, you can find me creating content for my site on travel and the outdoors. I am a digital content creator based in Boulder, Colorado. Through my site, I hope to share my travel and outdoor adventures (and misadventures) so I can help others to pursue their travel dreams. 

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