Showing: 61 - 68 of 68 RESULTS
Africa Morocco Thoughts

24 Hours in Rabat: Meat, Wheat, and a Marriage Proposal

While studying abroad in Morocco, my gluten allergy contributed to an evening of spontaneous pantomime and endless laughter upon joining my homestay family for my first dinner. My homestay dad, Khalil, was asking/miming/attempting to communicate: “Okay, I see here,” pointing to my homestay form, “that you’re allergic to meat?” Laughing, I replied, “No, I am …

Photos Thoughts

Acclimating to San Francisco

just ended facetiming sophie and pey, my friends from Bard. hoping to get a couple more blog posts in here before wifi is rare and valuable. this morning i took it upon myself to explore san francisco. i went to coffee and studied for class, which included writing a blog post for my anthropology course …